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    The Butterfly Effect — Act locally

    Who is the fairest one of all?

    Who is the fairest one of all?

    Caryma Sa'd holds up a mirror and reveals society's underbelly

    As a lawyer and activist, Caryma Sa’d sees the evil and the good without flinching. Resolute, plucky, and wicked smart, she documents what she observes—often provoking incendiary reactions from the subjects of her gaze. But she maintains her decorum with a few simple rules of engagement: 1) respect the law; 2) remain peaceful; and 3) if all goes south, retreat to a park bench and spark a joint. 

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    The Butterfly Effect: Think Globally, Act Locally

    The Butterfly Effect: Think Globally, Act Locally

    A Chaos Theory Primer for Civil Action
    “Think globally, act locally.” We’ve all heard the slogan countless times, but have you ever stopped to question what it means? How does it work? By your local actions can you influence change on a global scale? The science of chaos theory offers some compelling insights that suggest your local actions may very well contribute to the greater good.

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